Screen reader requirements
From the day of dawn of the computer technology, it has affected the lives of millions of people, including the lives of visually challenged persons. Advances in synthetic speech have lead to the development of screen reader software, which can capture text from the computer and transform it to the audio form which is then used by the visually impaired persons or the persons with low vision.
This technology has provided innumerous opportunities to the visually impaired persons including the jobs as programmers, call centers, venturing in to new fields such as science & math, and barrage of others.
Why another screen reader?
Although screen reading technology has provided such a power
to the visually impaired persons, it has hardly reached to the broader
population in
Hence there is a need to have screen reader that can empower other visually impaired persons who speak Indian languages.
There have been some efforts to create screen reading applications
Target users:
The application is primarily targeted to the visually impaired persons and Dyslexic persons. Approximately 10 to 20 million persons in India are unable to read or write due to the vision problems and 95 percent of them do not know English. Another potential set of users is the large illiterate population, who can not read, but can understand the spoken Indian language. That population is around 350 million. Another group is the old aged persons who know how to read but would prefer speech assistance due the limitation in their sight.
Inner working of a screen reading system:
A screen reading system has two main parts.
1. Speech synthesizer: A speech synthesizer is the main
component of any screen reading system, still
it is hardly known. Many people confuse between a speech synthesizer and
a screen reader. A speech synthesizer accepts plane or marked up text As input
and generates speech output. In
2. Screen reading application: after describing synthesizers, it is now easy to explain the screen reader’s job. A screen reader monitors information on computer screen and keyboard and sends that information to the speech synthesizer in text form. There are many challenges in development of multilingual screen reader and some of them are common with the standard screen reader. Let us cover the problems with the standard screen reader First. A screen reader has to monitor computer screen and the keyboard to provide the information to the user. Monitoring the keyboard is relatively easy, one can just capture keystrokes and convert with the help of in built keyboard layouts. Monitoring the screen is a complex job particularly in windows based system. By windows based system we mean any system with windowing capabilities. Problems in windows based systems arise due to the fact that each windows is just an array of pixels to the screen, hence making it mandatory to get that information from the program that has written that text on the screen. It is possible only when the program has a well defined interface for obtaining that information or graphics APIs are monitored for text out put and then a record is maintained. In windows operating system almost all the screen components are well defined, and they allow one to get such information in multiple ways. Barebone approach is to get such information through win32 API and preferred approach is to hook into Microsoft active accessibility (MSAA). MSAA provides notification to the interested application and provides standard mechanism to obtain this information. However MSAA happens to be the center of any screen reading application, it still can not provide information for all the components and all the desired forms of information. So one has to rely on component Object Model (COM), win32 API, and at times on display drivers. Then there is the issues of each screen component being different than others. For details see the section on various screen components and there features.
Coming to issues specific to multilingual screen readers, we can mainly focus our attention to language representation code or scripts. The preferred coding is Unicode which has codes for almost any language currently being used. Since Unicode has 16 bits for each character, it can represent upto 65536 possible character values. So if the world was based on Unicode only, it would be easier for programmers to write programs which could understand any language text and handle it appropriately. But unfortunately there are different coding standards used by various applications. So our approach will be of a mixed nature. The program will internally use Unicode but when required it can convert from Unicode to other codes (when a speech synthesizer does not understand Unicode) and other codes to Unicode (when a particular application does not provide Unicode text). Our main focus will be on Unicode due to the fact that current windows and the subsequent once will use Unicode for multi lingual applications. When required a converter can be inserted to accommodate non Unicode applications.
Basic features that are required from a screen reader:
(a) MS word: Microsoft word is a word processor with rich word processing capabilities, and needs to be handled in detail due to its importance in the text processing task. The user should be able to read previous, current and next character, word, line, sentence, and paragraph. Information about tables, format, and alignment should also be provided.
(b) MS Excel: Excel is important due to its abilities in calculative tasks. So reading the cell text (with previous, current and next character, word), information about the current column and row number, ability to read formula and information about the formats.
(c) word pad: ability to read richedit controls will enable wordpad reading. For information about richedit control the next section.
(d) notepad: ability to read multiline edit control will enable notepad, so read next section.
(e) internet explorer: Since internet provides access to huge knowledge base, ability to work with internet explorer is vital to any screen reader. User should be able to read previous, current and next character, word, line, links (information about visited links, same page links and others), headings, paragraphs, frames, lists, image alt text, form filling (including edit box, list box, combo box, button, radio button, check box).
(f) email: email is one of the main stream meadiam of communication, so users should be able to work with email software. Working on internet explorer will enable email reading in outlook express and Microsoft outlook as they internally use the same components.
A. Intrinsic Controls
(1) Button: There are 5 types of button as defined in the platform SDK. They have mainly three state elements, focus, pushed, and checked. The software should get information about all of them, and it should be done when the button has focus. Besides that software needs to get the caption for them.
(A) push button: read the caption of the button, and its state.
(B) Checkbox: caption, and state
(C), radio button: whether it is checked, and caption, number of radio buttons in the group, index of the current radio button.
(D) owner drawn:
(E) group: read the group before the items contained in it are spoken and number of radio buttons.
(2) Combo Box: There are three types of comboBoxes. They differ in the combination of a drop down list and edit control. A drop down list is one which can be expanded when needed, other wise a combo box only takes place similar to edit control or buttons.
(A) Drop-down combo box: This has a drop down list and an edit Control for providing the user option.
(B) Drop-down List box: It only has drop down list, which is used to display more options when needed.
(C) Simple combo box: It only has
edit Control.
We need to get the following information: Inform the user about the type of the combo box, the combo box current selection, allow command to expand the combo box, the current item if the combo box is expanded, and inform the position of the item in the combo box.
(3) Edit Controls: There are mainly two types of edit controls. Besides that there are other styles about which user should be informed: alinement: left, centered, and right; auto scroll (horizontal or vertical); case: lower, or upper; numerical; read only; password; hide selection; convert to OEM character set; and carriage return is entered or not.
It should also inform about the selected text.
(A) Single line Edit Control: it only has single line and pressing enter does not change line, rather it is passed to the parent. User must be able to read previous, current and next character, and word.
(B) Multi line: As the name suggests, it has more than one lines, and it must allow reading of items other than single line edit control such as, previous, current and next line, sentence and paragraph.
(4) List Box: read the current item, number of items in the list, selection in the list, position of the item in the list.
(5) rich Edit Controls: Ability to read previous, current and next character, word, line, and paragraph. Should also provide information about the formatting including alignments.
(6) Scroll bars: read orientation of the scroll bars, percentage of scroll box movement, and inform on request total scroll range and scrolling units.
(7) static Controls: Static controls are used in dialog boxes to display messages and to label controls so ability them is important. Static needs to be read in entirety if it is a message and label and needs to be read as units of character, word, and line, if read with mouse simulated by keyboard.
B. Windows Common Control:
(1) Animation Controls:
(2) ComboBoxEx Control: same as combo box
(3) Date and Time picker Controls:
(4) Drag List Boxes: same as list box
(5) Flat Scrol Bars: same as scroll bars
(6) Header Controls:
(7) Hot Key Controls
(8) Immage lists:
(9) IP Address Controls: similar to edit boxes with the exception to be able to read each item of IP address separately.
(10) List View Controls: similar to list boxes
(11) Month Calender Controls
(12) Pager Controls
(13) Progress Bar Controls: read the percentage task done.
(14) Property sheets:
(15) Rebar Controls
(16) Statis Bars: similar to stati controls.
(17) Tab Controls
(18) Toolbar Controls
(19) Tooltip Controls: read the tool tip text.
(20) Trackbar Controls:
(21) Tree view: caption of current item, its level in the tree, its number in the current level.
(22) Up-Down Controls: read the percentage movement.
(23) Menu: caption, whether contains sub menu, whether opens a dialog box, or it is checkable if yes then the state.
Some implementation options:
For a screen reader, there are basically four options to get the information from the computer. Following sequence is given in the increasing order of dificulty of implementation and the most useful technique appears first.
Considering the wide spread impact of this technology, it is desirable to build the system quickly so as to obtain maximum benefits of it, and also gain competitive advantage over other players who come with similar products in the future. Another advantage of such a technology will be the cost as aposed to the foreign products which beyond the means of a common person.